We are trusted partners with many leading architects, draughtspeople and designers in New Zealand.

Engage us early in your build process and we can match you with a designer suited to your project.

By working closely with architects, draughtspeople and landscape designers we can find cost-effective solutions to help achieve your vision, seamlessly, without any hefty build price tags jumping out at you unexpectedly along the way.

This process allows you, alongside our experienced team who have an eye for detail and a wealth of ideas and knowledge, to manage ideation of your space together with your budget.

There are always solutions for every problem. It is at this stage we can become deeply involved and add significant value to the outcome of your build.

We can help you and the designer you are working with find more cost-effective solutions for the same result. Don’t get any surprises: work with us from the very start of your building journey.

Get to know MOORE. Watch our video.